Rocklin Elementary School PTC Bylaws 

Revised 8/29/2022 

ARTICLE I - Name and Location 

The name of this organization is the Rocklin Elementary Parent Teacher Club (Rocklin PTC). The location of this organization is at the site of Rocklin Elementary School, 5025 Meyers Street Rocklin, CA 95677

ARTICLE II - Purpose 

The purpose of the Rocklin PTC is to aid the students of Rocklin Elementary School by providing support for educational and recreational needs and to promote open communication between the administration, teachers, and parents. The PTC will raise funds to provide educational supplies and activities for which funds are not available from the school district. This will be developed through committees, projects, and fundraisers; and, will be governed and qualified by the basic policies set forth in this Article. 


Section A. This PTC is a nonprofit, public-benefit organization and is not organized for the private gain of any one person. This organization is formed exclusively for charitable purposes within the guidelines of 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. 

Section B. No substantial part of the activities of this organization will consist of carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the organization will not participate or intervene in any political campaign (including the publishing or distribution of statements) on behalf of any candidate for public office. 

Section C. Notwithstanding any other provisions of these Articles, the organization will not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from Federal income tax under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law) or (b) by organization contributions which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law). 

Section D. The property of this organization is irrevocably dedicated to educational purposes and no part of the net income or assets of this organization will ever be used to the benefit of any director, officer, or member thereof, or to the benefit of any private person. 

Section E. Upon dissolution of the organization, its assets remaining after payment, or provision for payment, of all debts and liabilities of this organization will be distributed to a non-profit fund, foundation or corporation, which is organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes and which has established its tax-exempt status under IRC section 501 (c)(3). 

Article IV - Basic Policies 

Section A. The purpose of this organization will be promoted through an education program directed towards parents, teachers, and the general public; will be developed through conferences, committees, and projects; and, will be governed and qualified by the basic policies set forth in this Article. 

Section B. The organization will be noncommercial, nonsectarian, and nonpartisan. It will not endorse a commercial enterprise nor will members in their official capacities be used in any connection with commercial concerns or with any partisan interest, or for any purpose other than the regular fundraising work of the organization. 

Section C. The organization will not directly or indirectly participate or intervene (in any way, including the publishing or distribution of statements) in any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office. The organization may sponsor informational meetings pertaining to school-related issues. 

Section D. The organization will not enter into membership with other organizations, but may cooperate with other organizations and agencies in child welfare, such as conference groups or coordinating councils- provided the representative makes no commitments that bind the group he/she represents. 

Section E. A quorum of the Executive Board (as set forth in Article IV, section H, of these Bylaws) will transact necessary business between scheduled meetings of PTC and such other business as may be referred to it by PTC. 

Section F. The Executive Board may authorize payment of routine organizational bills within the limits of the budget adopted by PTC and may authorize the payment of other bills. All payments will be in accordance with Article VII, Section D of these Bylaws. 

Section G. The Executive Board will create standing or special committees as deemed necessary to promote the purpose and to carry on the work of the PTC. 

Section H. A quorum will consist of one more than half of the existing Executive Board Officers. If the duties of an Officer are shared by more than one person, the presence of only one of those people will satisfy the requirement of attendance of that office for the purpose of establishing the quorum. 

Section I. The Executive Board will meet at least once a month during the school year, unless otherwise ordered by the Executive Board. 

Section J. When an officer fails to attend three (3) consecutive meetings without an adequate excuse or neglects to fulfill the duties of his/her position, the Executive Board may declare the office vacant. 

Section K. Each officer, upon the expiration of his/her term of office, or upon resignation, will turn over to his/her successor, without delay, all records, books, and other material pertaining to the office. Additionally, he/she will return to the President, without delay, all funds pertaining to his/her office. This will be transacted at the last Executive Board meeting of the current school year. 

Section L. The President and Treasurer, with input from the Executive Board, will prepare a budget and submit this budget for approval at the first board meeting of the school year. Budget priorities will be established and approved by a majority vote of the members present. 

ARTICLE V- Membership and Dues 

Section A. Any person (parent/guardian or staff) interested in the purpose of PTC may become a member upon payment of dues, as hereinafter provided. 

Section B. Dues for the individual membership in PTC will be determined in May for the subsequent year by the current Executive Board. 

Section C. An annual enrollment of members will be conducted by the PTC. Additional members may be accepted at any time. 

Section D. There are two categories of general membership: 

- Parent Teams: Open to all parents/guardians interested in supporting the organization with dues paid. 

- Staff Teams: Teachers and staff members of Rocklin Elementary School. Teachers at Rocklin Elementary are automatic members of the PTC, regardless of dues paid/ unpaid. 

Article VI- Executive Board 

Section A. The Executive Board will consist of the officers (President, Secretary, Treasurer, VP of Media, and VP of Volunteers ) of the organization, the Principal or designee, and when available two (2) teacher representatives (lower/upper grades).

Section B. No individual can serve in two (2) capacities simultaneously or be nominated for two (2) offices at the same time. 

Section C. Two individuals can share an executive board position, but may only cast one vote.

Article VII - Executive Board Officers 

Section A. The PRESIDENT will preside at all meetings of the PTC and over the Executive Board; will be a member, "ex officioā€¯ of all committees with the exception of a potential nominating committee; with the ratification of the Executive Board, will appoint the chairperson of all standing committees; and, will serve as the program chairperson. 

Section B. The SECRETARY will be a member of the Executive Board. The Secretary will keep the minutes of the proceedings of the membership and Executive Board; will prepare the list of voting members who have paid dues; will see that all notices are duly given in accordance with these by-laws; in general, perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Executive Board. 

Section C. The TREASURER will be a member of the Executive Board. The Treasurer will receive all monies for the PTC and deposit in a bank approved by the Executive Board. They will keep an accurate record of receipts and disbursements; will present a statement of account(s) at every meeting of the PTC and at any other times when requested by the Executive Board; will present, with the President, a proposed budget to the Executive Board by June meeting; and will prepare state and federal tax forms and submit them in a timely manner. Checks will be co-signed by the President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The Executive Board will audit the books of the PTC annually or upon request of the Treasurer or at any time deemed necessary.

AMENDMENT 6/8/2022: 

 A debit card will be assigned to any/all signers (President, Treasurer, and Secretary) on our bank account. Debit card transactions can only occur once approved by board vote. Purchases will stay within the amount voted on for the budget of said event. There can be an overage of no more than 10% on approved budgeted vote, before needing a new vote of approval. All receipts will be turned into the treasurer within 5 days of purchase. The treasurer will provide a detailed list of transactional use of debit cards in every treasurer report at every board meeting. Each individual is responsible for any and all purchases made, fraudulent or not. If theft or misuse is detected we will prosecute fully within the courts of law. If your card becomes lost or stolen, you will report it to the PTC board and the bank immediately. At the end of any signer's term, their card will be deactivated and they will be removed from the bank account within 5 days. 

Section D. The VP of Media will be a member of the Executive Board. The VP of Media will maintain the PTC Website and all Social Media accounts. They will assist in creating and posting flyers for all events. Edit and maintain PTC website, mobile app (send all push notifications as needed), and Facebook Page.  Actively promote the PTC throughout the year. Work in conjunction with Board & Committees to actively promote PTC sponsored events, website, mobile app., Facebook page and appropriate signage. Coordinate with VP of Volunteers for marketing of all committee needs and events. Recognize Corporate Sponsors and Family Supporters on Facebook, website, and App. 

Section E: The VP of Volunteers will be a member of the Executive Board. The VP of Volunteers will manage all volunteer matters. The VP of Volunteers shall recruit volunteers and create a volunteer recruitment campaign. Create and manage Room Rep program. Maintains regular communication with volunteers. Maintains volunteer database and schedules volunteers where needed. Creates and maintains Sign Up Genius as needed. 

Section F. The Principal and teacher representatives may be active members of the Executive Board, advising, assisting, and coordinating. 

ARTICLE VIII - Officers and Elections 

Section A. Executive Board positions are open to all parents/guardians. Nomination notices will be sent out via students' folders one to two weeks prior to April general PTC meeting. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor at the April meeting. Nominations will be closed at this time or on a previously stated date, no later than two weeks prior to election. The consent of each candidate must be obtained before his/her name is placed in nomination. 

Section B. The privilege of holding office will be limited to members whose dues are paid. 

Section C. Election will be held at the May General meeting. 

Section D. Officers will serve for a term of one (1) year or until their successors are elected. Officers will assume their duties June 2. Vacancies in office will be appointed by the Executive Board. A vacancy in any office because of death, resignation, removal, disqualification, or any other cause shall be filled temporarily by appointment by the remaining members of the Executive Board, and the appointee shall be confirmed by the board and other voting members present at the next Breen PTC meeting.

Section E. Any position may be co-chaired.  

Section F. All positions are unpaid, volunteer positions. 

Article IX - General Overview 

Section A. General meetings of the organization will be held regularly September through May, and any other times designated by the Executive Board. 

Section B. The term of each officer will be one (1) years, beginning on June 2 and ending on June 1 of each year. At the conclusion of an officer's term, the position becomes available. The exiting officer may request his/her name to be placed on the ballot for nomination. 

Section C. The privilege of making motions, debating, and voting will be limited to members of the PTC whose dues are paid. 

Article X- Bylaws and Amendments 

Section A. These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of Executive Board Members present at any board meeting following prior notice. 

Article XI - Event Funds 

Section A.1  Fun Run

The entirety of the net profits from the annual Fun Run  will be deposited into the PTC General account to be used for the yearly budget, or specific items voted on by the Executive Board prior to the event.   

Section A.2 - Fall Carnival 

The entirety of net profit from ticket sales for the annual Fall Carnival will be divided equally among all participating teachers into their Teacher Accounts.   

Section A.3 - Parent Social and Auction 

The entirety of the funds raised from the Parent Social and Auction will be deposited into the PTC General Fund account to be used for the yearly budget, or specific items voted on by the Executive Board prior to the event.  

Section A.4 - Non-Event Concessions 

Non-event concessions will be designated to the PTC General Fund 

Article B - General Funds 

Section B.1 - Teacher Accounts 

A portion of  the general PTC funds will be deposited into the Teacher Accounts at the start of each school year. Amount of funds available for Teacher Accounts will be designated by the Executive Board during the budget meeting. If funds are available, the PTC may provide additional funds for Teacher Accounts during the school year. Unused Teacher Account funds will be transferred back into the General Fund at the end of each school year. Teacher Account funds are to be used to support students. Gifts for parents and volunteers in any form, including gift cards, are not eligible for reimbursement. 

Section B.2- Field Trip Accounts 

A portion of the general PTC funds will be deposited into the Field Trip Accounts(TK-6 and GATE) at the start of each school year. Amount of funds available for Field Trip Accounts will be designated by the Executive Board during the budget meeting. If funds are available, the PTC may provide additional funds for Field Trip Accounts during the school year. Any unused Field Trip Account funds will be evenly redistributed between TK-6 and GATE accounts at the end of each school year.

Section B.3- Science Camp Funds

The PTC will create and maintain 8 grade level Science Camp accounts (TK-6). Each year the PTC will pay 50% of Science Camp costs, with families paying out of pocket the remaining 50%. The PTC will distribute $16,000 ($2,000 per grade level account) every year.  This model guarantees that every 6th grade class will be funded 50% of the cost of science camp at the start of the school year. 

There will be a 9th account created that will hold $2,500 for the stipend of the staff and the cost of 8 volunteers.